Green register plates for hydrogen trucks in Poland

Hydrogen trucks in Poland will recieve green number plates. Since January 1st 2020, all new registered fuel cell vehicles in Poland will be signed by green number plates with a yellow frame. This is a new mechanism for indicating zero-emission cars, which may i.a. use bus lanes in cities.

Special license plates for cars with fuel cells are implemented from January 1st 2020. Green plates for hydrogen cars from the previous ones differ in the background (green instead of white) and have an additional yellow frame. For electric vehicles the frame is in black colour. Other elements of ‘ecological’ tables remains unchanged, i.e. arrangement and allocation of letters, EU flag and hologram.

Green registrations for hydrogen cars are complementary to existing stickers for cars powered by alternative fuels. From July 1st 2018, hydrogen-powered cars could be marked with a special H sticker. Such a sign make possible parking for free, moving the bus lanes and entering to the Low Emission Zones. At the first registration or change of ownership of the vehicle the local municipality will issue green registration plates for the vehicle. Drivers can replace their current white boards with green ones, but this is not an obligation. If the driver chooses to do so, he must pay 93 PLN for new license plates. In 2019 alternative fuel refueling distributors were normalized as well – including hydrogen, compressed and liquefied natural gas.

Source: Ministry of Digitization