NGV trucks in Poland – 688 new vehicles in 2020
Natural gas trucks in Poland are becoming more and more popular. In 2020, a record-breaking 688 new methane powered trucks were registered. The market leader is Iveco with 386 LNG … – LNG, CNG i wodór dla silników dużej mocy
Duże silniki na paliwa gazowe – CNG i LNG (gaz ziemny) oraz H2 (wodór). Opisy pojazdów, tankowanie gazu ziemnego i wodoru, rynek paliw gazowych, analizy.
Natural gas trucks in Poland are becoming more and more popular. In 2020, a record-breaking 688 new methane powered trucks were registered. The market leader is Iveco with 386 LNG …
LNG trucks for construction, distribution and long-distance transport are in offer of the Chinese Foton. At the Xian Commercial Vehicle Show, a manufacturer linked to Mercedes (Daimler) demonstrated 16 types …
NGVs in Poland after obtaining dedicated labeling, recieves now own road signs. The Polish Ministry of Infrastructure and Construction published at the end of March 2018 the scheme of the …